******************** The HikaruBase class ******************** All Hikaru model objects are based on the HikaruBase class. Most Hikaru operations that you can do on Hikaru model objects are defined on the HikaruBase class. Derived classes will support class-specific methods as defined by the underlying Kubernetes API. :ref:`Full documentation for the class` can be found in the :ref:`Reference` section, but some of the key methods are discussed here. from_yaml() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` The class method ``from_yaml()`` allows you to create a populated instance from a supplied `ruamel.yaml.YAML` instance (this is what is used internally for loading and parsing Kubernetes YAML). So you can use ``from_yaml()`` to manually load a specific Hikaru class: .. code:: python from ruamel.yaml import YAML from hikaru.model.rel_1_21 import Pod yaml = YAML() f = open("", "r") doc = yaml.load(f) p = Pod.from_yaml(doc) assert isinstance(p, Pod) While ``load_full_yaml()`` relies on `apiVersion` and `kind` properties in the YAML to determine what class to instantiate and populate, ``from_yaml()`` assumes you are invoking it on a class that matches the kind of thing you want to load from the YAML. This allows you to actually load any Hikaru object from YAML, even ones that are fragments of larger Kubernetes documents. For instance, if you had a YAML file that only contained the definition of a container (no `apiVersion` or `kind`), ``from_yaml()`` would still allow you to load it: .. code:: python from ruamel.yaml import YAML from hikaru.model.rel_1_21 import Container yaml = YAML() f = open("", "r") doc = yaml.load(f) c = Container.from_yaml(doc) assert isinstance(c, Container) Note that loading fragments in this way requires the fragment to appear to be the top-level YAML object in the file; there can be no indentation of the initial lines. You can use the ``get_processors()`` function to acquire a list of input YAML dicts to pass into ``from_yaml()``: .. code:: python from hikaru import get_processors from hikaru.model.rel_1_21 import Container docs = get_processors(path="") c = Container.from_yaml(docs[0]) assert isinstance(c, Container) get_empty_instance() ******************** :py:meth:`Documentation` This classmethod provides you an empty instance of the class on which you invoke it. Otherwise, you have to ensure that you provide the correct required number of the non- optional parameters to the usual object creation call. This method takes care of that for you, giving you an empty instance that you can then populate as you wish. This includes any contained objects and their required parameters. as_python_source() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` HikaruBase subclasses can render themselves as Python source with ``as_python_source()``. The rendered code will re-create the state of the original object. The source is unformatted with respect to PEP8, and may in fact be quite difficult to read. However, it is legal Python and will execute properly. It is better to use the ``get_python_source()`` function for this, as it will also run a PEP8 formatter to make the code more readable. Support for == ************************* Instances of models can be checked for equality using '=='. HikaruBase understands how to inspect subclasses and recursively ensure that all field values, dict keys, list entries, etc are the same. dup() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` Any HikaruBase instance can generate a duplicate of itself, a deep copy. This is especially useful in cases where pre-made components are loaded from a library and a particular component is used multiple times within the same containing object but where you may wish to tweak the values in each use. Since these are all object references, tweaking the values in one place will be seen in another unless a full copy is used in each location so the same group of objects are all being operated on from different places. find_by_name() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` As HikaruBase instance objects are populated via processing YAML or by being created with Python code, an internal search catalog is created on each object that provides assistance in searching through the object hierarchy for specific fields or nested objects. This provides significant assistance in constructing automated reviewing tools that can locate and highlight specific objects to ensure consistency of usage and compliance to standards. This catalog is used by the ``find_by_name()`` method, which returns a list of :ref:`CatalogEntry` objects (named tuples) that describe all attributes and their location in the model that satisfy the query arguments to the method. The simplest use of this method is to supply a name to find; in this case, ``find_by_name()`` will return every attribute called 'name' wherever it is in the model. For example, here is the result when querying for the 'name' attribute against a Pod (p) in one of Hikaru's test cases: .. code:: python >>> for ce in p.find_by_name("name"): ... print(ce) ... CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['metadata', 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'lifecycle', 'postStart', 'httpGet', 'httpHeaders', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'env', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'env', 1, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'envFrom', 0, 'configMapRef', 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'envFrom', 0, 'secretRef', 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'volumeDevices', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'volumeMounts', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'imagePullSecrets', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls='str', attrname='name', path=['spec', 'imagePullSecrets', 1, 'name']) As you can see, the field occurs in quite a lot of places at different depths of the object hierarchy, and this is only a Pod with two containers, so the result could be a lot more voluminous. We can establish a search scope with ``find_by_name()`` by using the ``following`` keyword argument. This argument tells the function to return CatalogEntries for each instance of the named attribute **if** that attribute comes after one or more other attributes in the path to attribute we want. For example, we can narrow the search down to only ones where 'name' comes somewhere within the containers: .. code:: python >>> for ce in p.find_by_name("name", following="containers"): ... print(ce) ... CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'lifecycle', 'postStart', 'httpGet', 'httpHeaders', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'env', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'env', 1, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'envFrom', 0, 'configMapRef', 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'envFrom', 0, 'secretRef', 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'volumeDevices', 0, 'name']) CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'volumeMounts', 0, 'name']) That gets rid of metadata and imagePullSecrets, but that's still too much. Say we only care about the second container, and under that we just want the postStart: .. code:: python >>> for ce in p.find_by_name("name", following="containers.1.postStart"): ... print(ce) ... CatalogEntry(cls=, attrname='name', path=['spec', 'containers', 1, 'lifecycle', 'postStart', 'httpGet', 'httpHeaders', 0, 'name']) Now we only have one entry in the result. In this case, although we could have used just used 'lifecycle' as the value of ``following``, we want to illustrate a couple of things: - First, notice that we can use a series of attributes in the ``following`` expression, separated by '.'. - Second, notice that the attributes don't have to be directly sequential as you tunnel into an object. - Third, note that we can use integers as indexes into a list of objects; we will only search under that index. The ``following`` expression can either be a '.' separated string, or a list of strings and ints. The attributes of the returned CatalogEntry namedtuples are: - cls: the class object for the value of the item that was named - attrname: the name of the attribute found - path: a list of strings (or integer indices) that will take you from object where you did the search to the located item get_type_warnings() ******************* :py:meth:`Documentation` Although Hikaru's annotations will aid you in avoiding supplying the wrong types for object parameter values, or from setting an attribute directly with an item of the wrong type, it can only aid you with warnings and advisories-- Python still let's you put anything anywhere you want, and not until run time will you find you stuck an ObjectMeta where a PodSpec belongs. However, you can check the alignment of contained data against the type annotations of the attributes with the ``get_type_warnings()`` method. This method examines every field of an object hierarchy and compares the types of the values contained there with the types in the annotations. If there are any discrepancies, they are collected into a list of :ref:`TypeWarning` namedtuples and are returned to the caller. TypeWarnings are similar in structure to CatalogEntries, but have a slightly different interpretation: - cls: is the class that holds the attribute that is of the wrong type - attrname: the name of the attribute on an instance of cls - path: list of strings that names the attribute path from the object where get_type_warnings() was called to the incorrect attribute - warning: a string that contains a message describing the type error that was found If the returned list is empty, then all types are correct. However, there may be other usage conventions are make an object incorrect, for example supplying three different sub-objects when you are supposed to choose only one. ``get_type_warnings()`` doesn't find those kinds of errors, just when types are incorrect. diff() ****** :py:meth:`Documentation` The ``diff()`` method provides you a way to determine where two different Hikaru objects differ. This can be handy when two objects that are supposed to be equal (==) aren't, and it is difficult to determine where they are different. The ``diff()`` method takes another Hikaru object as an argument and recursively compares all attributes of each object. If a difference it found, a :ref:`DiffDetail` dataclass is created and returned in a list. The DiffDetail includes the following fields: - diff_type: is a :ref:`DiffDetail` enum specifying the type of change (see below) - cls: is the class where the difference was found - formatted_path: is a string like ``Pod.spec.containers[0]`` specifying what changed - path: a list of strings that show how to reach the attribute where the difference was found. e.g. ``['spec', 'containers', 0]`` - report: a string that describes the difference found - value: the value of the changed attribute in self - other_value: the value of the changed attribute in the object passed to ``diff()`` as a parameter If the list is empty, then the two objects have no differences. The DiffType enum has the following possible values: - DiffType.ADDED: an attribute was changed from None to a non-None value or a dictionary key was added. - DiffType.REMOVED: an attribute was changed from a non-None value to None or a dictionary key was removed. - DiffType.VALUE_CHANGED: the value of an attribute, dictionary item, or list item changed but the type didn't change - DiffType.TYPE_CHANGED: the Python type of an attribute, dictionary item, or list item changed. - DiffType.LIST_LENGTH_CHANGED: the length of a list changed. This is the only DiffType that will be issued for the list. No DiffTypes will be issued for individual list elements. - DiffType.INCOMPATIBLE_DIFF: this is returned when calling ``a.diff(b)`` and ``a`` and ``b`` have different types. This is not returned when calling ``a.diff(b)`` and an attribute like ``a.c`` has a different type than ``b.c``. (In that case a DiffType.TYPE_CHANGED is used.) object_at_path() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` The ``object_at_path()`` method works with the ``path`` attribute of the returned CatalogEntry object. By passing the the path into ``object_at_path()``, you can access the actual value of the object stored there. This gives you the means to inspect the object that you've located. repopulate_catalog() ************************* :py:meth:`Documentation` Normally, the catalogs are created automatically when you create an object in Python or when you load an instance from YAML. However, once you've loaded the instance, you are free to modify the existing entries, add additional ones, or even delete existing pieces. Such operations will make the catalog inaccurate if you intend to use ``find_by_name()`` again. To bring the catalog up to date, invoke ``repopulate_catalog()``, and all catalogs from the object where you invoked the method on down with have their catalogs recomputed and made up to date.