************* Key Functions ************* A good deal of the manipulations you'll perform on Hikaru objects will be facilitated by a short list of functions. These are covered in detail in the :ref:`Reference` section, but they will be quickly reviewed here. All of these can be imported from the 'hikaru' package. load_full_yaml() **************** :ref:`Documentation` ``load_full_yaml()`` is the main way to load Kubernetes YAML files and the documents they contain into Hikaru objects. ``load_full_yaml()`` returns a list of Hikaru objects, each of which represents a document in the YAML file. Each document **must** be a top-level Kubernetes object, such as Deployment, Pod, DaemonSet, etc, and each must have valid `kind` and `apiVersion` properties-- this is how Hikaru tells what root object to instantiate. ``load_full_yaml()`` can be called three different ways to process YAML content: .. code:: python # to load from a file at a known path: load_full_yaml(path="") # to load from a file-like object already opened: load_full_yaml(stream=f) # to load from a string that contains the YAML: load_full_yaml(yaml=x) get_yaml() ********** :ref:`Documentation` This function returns a string containing YAML that can re-create the object it is called with. The YAML that is output is preceded by a start of document marker (---), and the top level object in the YAML file will be the Hikaru object that is passed in. The Hikaru object can be a Kubernetes document object such as Pod, Deployment, etc, but it can also be any Hikaru modeling object; all will be rendered as YAML. ``load_full_yaml()`` and ``get_yaml()`` can be used to round-trip YAML through Python; it may be a handy way to customize a Kubernetes YAML file by loading into Python, modifying it programmatically, and then rendering it back to YAML. get_json() ********** :ref:`Documentation` This function works like ``get_yaml()`` but returns JSON that represents the object instead. A JSON form of a Kubernetes document may be a useful form to employ for creating a record of executed Kubernetes commands in a document database. from_json() *********** :ref:`Documentation` This function is the inverse of ``get_json()``; it takes a string of JSON that was output by ``get_json()`` and returns a HikaruBase subclass that has been filled with the JSON's content. If processing JSON that represents a top-level Kubernetes object (that is, there are `apiVersion` and `kind` keys), then ``from_json()`` is able to work out which class needs to be instantiated and populated. If this is any other Kubernetes object in JSON, then you must supply the optional ``cls`` argument informing ``from_json()`` which class to instantiate and fill. get_clean_dict() **************** :ref:`Documentation` All Hikaru model classes are Python dataclasses, which can automatically be rendered to a dict. However, the resultant dict will contain every attribute of every object, even optional ones that weren't provided values (they will have None). The ``get_clean_dict()`` function takes that dict and prunes out all None values it contains, returning a minimal dict that represents the state of the object. from_dict() *********** :ref:`Documentation` This function is the inverse of ``get_clean_dict()``; it takes a Python dict produced by ``get_clean_dict()`` and returns a HikaruBase subclass that has been filled with the dict's content. If processing a top-level Kubernetes document (that is, there are `apiVersion` and `kind` keys), ``from_dict()`` is able to work out the proper class to instantiate and fill. If the dict is of another Kubernetes object that doesn't have these keys, you can supply the ``cls`` keyword argument to indicate what class should be instantiated and filled. get_python_source() ******************* :ref:`Documentation` This function returns a PEP8-compliant string containing Python source code that will re-create the object that was passed to it. By default, the resultant code simply calls a model class with all necessary arguments, but as there's no assignment in the generated code running it will cause an object to be created and then immediately destroyed. If you wish to have code that will assign the created object to a variable, use the `assign_to` keyword argument: .. code:: python # assume we have a Deployment object called 'd' from hikaru import get_python_source code = get_python_source(d, assign_to="the_deployment") This will result in code that looks something like the following: .. code:: python >>> print(code) the_deployment = Deployment(apiVersion='v1', kind='Deployment', metadata=ObjectMeta( name='wibble'), spec=DeploymentSpec(selector=LabelSelector(), template=PodTemplateSpec())) The above code is formatted to the default style, ``autopep8``. If you would rather have a more vertically oriented style, use ``black`` for the value of the style argument: .. code:: python >>> print(get_python_source(d, assign_to="the_deployment", style='black')) the_deployment = Deployment( apiVersion="v1", kind="Deployment", metadata=ObjectMeta( name="wibble", annotations={}, finalizers=[], labels={}, managedFields=[], ownerReferences=[], ), spec=DeploymentSpec( selector=LabelSelector(matchExpressions=[], matchLabels={}), template=PodTemplateSpec(), ), ) In general, ``autopep8`` will work harder to fill lines, while ``black`` will generally write things on different lines unless it can put all parameters on a single line. Code is formatted to a line length of 88 chars. This function may take a second or two to run, depending on how many nested objects are involved in the argument to ``get_python_source()``. The code can be saved to another Python module and re-run to recreate the original object. **NOTE:** There are no import statements output as part of the generated code; you have to supply these yourself. This is because it's not clear if this will be added to another string of generated code. You can satisfy all function import requirements by prepending the line: .. code:: python from hikaru import * ...and the release model classes by prepending a line that imports everything from your desired release: .. code:: python from hikaru.model.release_1_22 import * ...before the generated code as appropriate. process_api_version() ********************* :ref:`Documentation` The ``apiVersion`` attribute of any top-level Kubernetes object may have encoded both the object group and the version of the API that the object is to respect. This function takes the value of this attribute and splits it out into its parts, the API object group and the version. This is returned as a 2-tuple of strings, (group, version). get_processors() **************** :ref:`Documentation` This function takes the same arguments as ``load_full_yaml()`` but instead of returning a list of HikaruBase subclasses, it returns a list of dict-like objects containing the parsed out YAML. This would then normally be processed by the machinery in HikaruBase to create objects, and individual elements can be used with the ``from_yaml()`` method of HikaruBase subclasses to populate individual document hierarchies, but you are free to use these as you wish. get_default_release() ********************* :ref:`Documentation` Returns a string that is the name of the default release that Hikaru will use when creating objects from YAML, JSON, or a dict. The release name returned will be the release **set for the calling thread** (if there is one), or else it will be the global default release for the entire process. A more thorough discussion of using this function can be found :ref:`here`. set_default_release() ********************* :ref:`Documentation` Sets the default string name of the release for Hikaru to use when creating objects from YAML, JSON or a dict. This value is set only for the calling thread, hence each thread can have its own default release. The supplied string must be the name of one of the release packages under ``hikaru.model``. A more thorough discussion of using this function can be found :ref:`here`. set_global_default_release() **************************** :ref:`Documentation` Sets the default string name of the release to use for the entire program; this supplies a fallback release name to use in case an individual thread doesn't set a release name for itself. The supplied string must be the name of a release package under ``hikaru.model``. A more thorough discussion of using this function can be found :ref:`here`. get_version_kind_class() ************************ :ref:`Documentation` Returns the class object that will be used by Hikaru when it encounters the specified version and kind values. register_version_kind_class() ***************************** :ref:`Documentation` Registers the class to create when Hikaru encounters the specified version and kind values. Use of this function is part of advanced Hikaru usage, which is documented :ref:`here`. rollback_cm() ************* :ref:`Documentation` When using an instance of a HikaruDocumentBase subclass as a context manager, wrapping it with this function in the ``with`` statement sets the object so that it can roll back to its original state if an error occurs in the ``with`` block. register_crd_class() ******************** :ref:`Documentation` Registers a new user-created custom resource definition class with Hikaru. This is similar to ``registers_version_kind_class()``, but captures additional data needed for supporting user created resources. This function registers the class with Hikaru's runtime system, which allows Hikaru to create instances of the class when Kubernetes sends a message for this resource, as well as establishing the appropriate watch mechanisms for supporting Watchers on CRDs. get_crd_schema() **************** :ref:`Documentation` Inspects a ``HikaruDocumentBase`` subclass and generates a ``JSONSchemaProps`` object that contains the OpenAPI schema for the supplied subclass. This can then be viewed if desired, but the primary use for the returned schema is to supply it to a ``CustomResourceDefinition`` object to define the subclass as a CRD to Kubernetes. You can read more about creating CRDs :ref:`here`.